A provider that will keep your business Healthy

Bookies are looking for real answers when it comes to improving their bottom line. If you are like many bookies, then you are tired of the rat race and very little to show for it. There is nothing worse than going through every single day of the week only to realize that you have lost money for that week. There is a better way of conducting business and it all starts by finding the best pay per head service provider. 

What is a pay per head service provider?

    • Better known as a PPH, the pay per head service provider is the group that happens to be offering the service over the internet at a nominal charge to you the bookie. The PPH is a software program that has been built to make the life of a bookie much easier. The PPH providers offer this service to the general public. 

    • What the bookie gets is a turnkey, white label operation that has fantastic reviews for providing what they promise. They promise to make your life easier.

How do they make your life easier?

    • They do your everyday job for you. As a bookie that is not online, think about your duties, what do they include?

    • The first thing that you must do is to offer your betting clients a great wagering menu. This mean you will want to offer them what they and most gamblers are interested in. They want to gamble in abundance and the more sporting events you offer, the better the opportunity for cross-action you will have. 

    • They set the daily lines and odds for you on each event as well as update the future odds on a daily basis. Just this alone is worth having a pay per head. Think about how difficult it is to set the daily odds. This is not an easy task and it’s time consuming. You are most likely not experienced in odds making and even if you are, who wants to do this every day? Who has time to set the odds every day? 

    • Odds making is a science that should be well thought out and carefully planned. You do not want to make mistakes that can cost you thousands of dollars. Many small bookies follow the crowd and offer what the “big boys” of the online world are offering. This can be a huge mistake. Often, the “big boys’ are offering what they are offering in order to entice bettors to their site. They will offer a reduced juice line or a different line. Listen – they don’t care if they lose on that one event. The reward they will see over time simply outweigh the loss of one game. Be very careful who you follow and make sure you have the best lines for not only your clients, but for you.

    • ONLINE PRESENCE—Take it and enjoy it. You do not need programming skills or site building experience. The PPH custom-builds you a website with an exclusive .com address for you and your clients. Now, you are one of the “big boys”. Your clients will feel as if you have hit the bigtime because it really is just as if they were logging into a “big time” site. You can offer all of the bells and whistles if you choose to 

do so. This is your website, you are the owner and what you say goes. If you want to offer a bonus, then offer a bonus, if you want to offer a contest, then by all means offer it. 

    • Accounting: Now you can keep up with every dollar that comes to the house and every dollar that leaves the house. You must know who is losing. You must keep them! Do not let them get away. Offer them reduced juice, a contest, a free play, whatever it takes to keep them in the house. You want a boatful of gambling losers! You also need the winners, but you must keep tabs on them. Are they steam players, are they “wise guys”? You need to know who is beating you so that you can limit them if necessary. 

No matter how you slice it, you need a pay per head if you want to make money in the gambling business. This business is for anybody and it matters not your skill level. You can be a successful bookie in your first season with a PPH. The time is now, give the PPH provider a call and ask for a 4-week free trial. Find out if this is indeed for you. 

Are you interested in Pay Per Head?

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