Top 10 Reasons to use Virtual Casino Software

Bookies are looking for answers. If you have been a bookie on any level, then you know that this business while it may be fun and it may afford you independence, it can also be marginal. There are times when you lose, and even times when you lose big. This is the very nature of the sports gambling business; this element of a bookies job comes with the territory. There is risk involved the day you start offering sporting events for gambling purposes. You are in effect, gambling with your clients. What you hope for is plenty of cross-action in order to make money off the juice. There are times when the juice will not save you. There are events that come along and beat you for the day or a couple of days, and even for a week. There is a guaranteed way in which to conquer this problem; Virtual Casino Software.

You must be offering a casino along with your online sportsbook. The casino is a money-maker and your guaranteed cash cow. The casino is never marginal and will always outweigh the profit/loss margin of the sportsbook.

1. It’s Free: Adding a virtual casino to your online sportsbook is absolutely 100% free of charge. You will not pay one penny more in PPH fees to have a casino, then to not have the casino.

2. Retaining Clients: Your number one concern as a bookmaker is to keep the existing clients that you have. In today’s competitive market, this task is nearly impossible without a virtual casino.

3. Building a client base: Now that you are online with your sportsbook, you have enough reason to keep your clients faithful. What you must do in order to build your base, is to offer a virtual casino.

4. The virtual casino is a guaranteed money-maker: The casino never loses. You will have more than a few bad days in the sportsbook, you will rarely have a bad day in the casino.

5. The casino drives your business: Possibly, you are a local/corner bookie and you do ok. We get it, we understand where you are coming from because we have been in your shoes. We have been bookie, and we have been gamblers. We know and understand how each side thinks.

6. Sports gamblers get bored: They want something to gamble on when they are not gambling on sports. If you offer it through your pay per head, it’s virtually guaranteed that you will retain the vast majority of your client base.

7. The casino is 100% random: All winning and losses are random with the odds being on the side of the house and you are the house. You are no longer the gambler. The odds should be in your favor. You are putting up the money and promising to pay if the client beats you. The odds are in your favor just as they are in a brick and mortar casino on the Las Vegas Strip.

8. You have to do nothing: The pay per head incorporates the online casino into your website and all you do is let your clients know the good news. You will not have to maintain the casino in any way, you will not have to program anything or know code. The PPH does everything for you. You collect the green!

9. Clients will ask you for bonus money: A casino bonus is even more of a cash cow than a sportsbook bonus. You will make a nice added income from the bonus alone.

10. You pay one pay per head fee per client: It matters not whether the play in the sportsbook or in the casino. You will never pay extra for players that use the casino and they may play as much as they wish or as much as you limit them to.

We have given you ten fantastic reasons to incorporate virtual casino software into your online gaming operation. Now it is up to you to act as quickly as possible and start earning a six-figure income. The best news; the best PPH providers are now offering a 4-week free trial. All you must do is make the phone call and ask to get in. Virtual casino software will change your bottom line and you will love your job as a bookie.

More pay per head tips:

  1. The Decision Making Process For Finding The Right Pay Per Head Service
  2. Real Bookies’ Mobile-Friendly Betting System
  3. Mobile Bookie Dashboard Access With Pay Per Head
  4. Real Bookies Caters To Your Betting Customers
  5. Utilizing Pay Per Head Settle Figures