When the NFL Season ends how do Bookies turn a Profit?

The NFL season has recently ended and here you are picking up the pieces and often, not know how to put them back together. What makes the bookie business dangerous is not wins or losses but putting all of your eggs in one basket. We know this is a cliché, we get that, however, it’s an all-important cliché that you should pay attention to if you care about earning a six-figure income. The NFL is an important part of your business and it can often be the most important part of any bookies business. We are in no way minimizing the importance of the NFL. What we are saying is this; gamblers love to gamble, and it’s highly likely that the vast majority of your clients lost to you during this past NFL season. They want their money back and they will bet on any sport you offer them in an effort to get it back. You must be prepared.

· Find a great pay per head. You must have an online presence for one main reason; you need your client’s loyalty. You cannot and will not survive without your clients. In order to keep them, you must offer them what they want.

· Your clients want many things but first and foremost, they want to gamble anytime they choose to do so. You can’t possibly be there 24/7, holding their hand. You are one person and the NFL season nearly killed you. Stop going this alone and get help. Get affordable help.

· The best PPH providers are charging around $7 per head, per week and if you play your card right, you can beat the PPH fees at its own game.

· Your bookie business is like any other online bookie and most every online bookmaker sets a “minimum wager amount”. This means that every time your client places a bet with you, they are required to bet a minimum dollar amount. Such as $10, $15, or $20. Many local bookies are charging $20, this seems to be the going rate.

· The Pay per head is charging you $7 per head, per week. Per head as in (per client). Your client can place as many wagers as they like, and you pay the one-time fee of $7 per week. You pay nothing more, nothing less. You do not pay if they do not gamble. Once they gamble, their fiscal week has started and for the next 7-days, they have unlimited gambling privileges. We cannot make this clear enough – YOU PAY ONCE PER FISCAL WEEK PER PLAYER. If they placed one bet with you, you pay the fee, if they placed 330-bets with you, you pay the same, one-time fee per week.

· You must require a minimum wager amount. If you are only asking for $10. You have just paid your per head fee for that player, for the entire week.

Players love to gamble, and they quickly forget the NFL

· You must be offering all of the sports betting options possible and by this we mean all of the sports that are off the beaten path such as rugby, soccer, tennis, auto racing, boxing, UFC, international baseball, basketball /men’s/women’s. You must also be offering a great casino and racebook. Players love a great casino and they love to bet on the ponies. It’s guaranteed that you will retain your client base after the NFL if you offer them the options they are looking for.

· There is only one way to offer these options in an affordable manner for you – A PAY PER HEAD. There simply is not a slow season in gambling. Gamblers are gamblers and they will gamble 365 days a year if you supply the tools.

The pay per head providers have come along and rolled the three gambling genres into a package deal. They are now offering a custom-built, online sportsbook, world-class racebook, and casino, all in one. You pay the per head fee when your players play and nothing more The PPH sets your daily offerings along with lines and odds that you can control. You will have access to players and financial reports. Call the PPH today.

More Pay Per Head tips:

  1. Real Bookies Offers Full Control of Lines and Limits
  2. Why You Should Be Evaluating Your Current Pay Per Head Bookie Services Provider
  3. Manage Player Payments and Collections With Pay Per Head Settlement Reports
  4. The Decision Making Process For Finding The Right Pay Per Head Service