Racebook Odds: How Prices on Horses Move and What Bookies Should Know

Horse racing prices are a big deal to horse bettors, and they should be a big deal to you. The first thing that you should know is this; we are not telling you to be a horse racing guru and that every waking free hour that you have, to spend it by researching the horses and all of the latest news. We realize that you are a bookie first and that your first priority is going to be the sportsbook. We understand this, we get it, and we respect this. What is highest on the important list when it comes to knowing about horses and the racebook – is having a racebook and incorporating one into your overall bookie website. You must have a racebook. There is value in the racebook that you simply will not find in the sportsbook. Horse bettors are easily the most-loyal bettors and they will bet with you all day, every day. These guys can be your bread and butter if you allow them to be.

· Three Factors: Most advice pamphlets will not tell you this, but we think this is more important to the money than any other factor.  

1. The Horse: Most tracks feature Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses. The Thoroughbred has the best reputation and the best history going back a century! Although Quarter Horses are popular on many tracks and venues around the world, the reputation is not the same and hardcore horse bettor would rather lay their money on the Thoroughbred. There are also Arabians, as well as Standardbred horses. Many tracks around the world feature many different types of venues and horses. This is where it will definitely do you some good to conduct light research and find out more about why different horses are featured in different venues, tracks, and racing events around the world.

2. The Jockey: Horse bettors that are regulars and that know what they are doing (or at least pretend) they bet on the Jockeys reputation and record just as much or more than they do the horse itself. Jockeys move the money based on the strength of their recent wins and losses.

3. The Track: Horse bettors love some tracks and they hate others. Some may hate Churchill Downs but love Saratoga, so on and so forth. Here is what you must know… The condition of the track and length of the race is a more important factor than the name of the racetrack. Do not forget this. The weather can affect the race, the POST POSITIONS absolutely affect the race and often move the money greatly. Make sure you understand post positions and how they can alter the outcome of many events.

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· As a bookie, you must diversify and offer what clients are willing to bet on. You most certainly must offer what they are asking to bet on, and we guarantee that bettors wil bet the horses even if they are not traditionally horse bettors. They will bet the horses when there is nothing else to bet and they will love you for offering a racebook.

· Find a pay per head that not only offers a fantastic, custom-built online bookie site but one that offers a casino and racebook to go with… for FREE. You must. Your clients will bet the horses and they will bet them often. Your dedicated horse bettors will spend all day and all night betting the horses! They never spend a lot of money, in fact, they spend very little on each bet. The kicker is this – they bet all day. You need them and when the going gets rough in the sportsbook, you will be thrilled to have the racebook..

The best pay per head providers on the internet are offering a turnkey service that affords you a state of the art online sportsbook and casino, as well as a world-class racebook that features more than 75-tracks from around the globe. All of this is free. This is a service provided for signing up and simply paying the $7-$10 per head fee, nothing more. Call the PPH today and start winning big.

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