How to become an online bookie

The sports betting industry is one of the best, most exciting and profitable in the whole world. Many people, throughout the years, have been constantly trying to get into this business, to run their own operation, to be an agent or bookie. For some it has been easy, for others, not so much, as it required lots of time and money invested. Things are different now, and business models like Pay per Head have come to make things easier and better for everyone, and thanks to that, anyone in the world can now be involved and be successful in this business.

How can I become a bookie? That’s a question we’ve been hearing a lot throughout the years, and now it has a plain and simple answer, join a good Price per Head service like Realbookies, and that’s how. Safe and easy, there’s no unnecessary risks to take, we have the tools, the infrastructure, the experience, the staff, the software, the licenses, the equipment. Anything you need to become a bookie, we have it, and it’s all at your disposal, for just a very small weekly fee per active customer, that’s all it takes.

How does Price per Head work and why should I trust it?

There’s nothing to hide in the PPH business, what we do and how we do it, is all right there on our website, you can go right now to and you’ll be able to find all the information you need. Our price, our tools, testimonials, location, services, etc., it’s all right there for you to read. You can contact us right there as well, through our live chat, or even better, you get the chance to enjoy our free 4-week trial, so that you can see for yourself why thousands of customers already trust us and are successful at running their own sports betting operation.

Go ahead, sign up for our free trial, give it a go, dig in deep, and please make all the questions you need. We’ll be more than happy to help, we’ll clear any doubt you might have, and we’ll try to make you feel right at home!

How much does Price per Head cost?

This is one of the best parts about our business model, it’s the cheapest and safest you will find! Why? Because we will only charge you a small weekly fee per active customer, starting from as low as $7 per head.

What this means is that, if you have a package of 30 players, but only 20 of them were active during the week, then you will only pay $140 dollars for your entire operational cost that week, that’s how cheap it is to work with us. We want you to be able to enjoy your money, you will be able to settle with your customers personally, we’re not involved, there are no hidden fees or commissions, our Price per Head fee is all we ask for, and for that, you will be able to enjoy every single tool and service we have, and be able to offer them as your own, through your own platform, using your website, which you will be able to manage yourself.

Have any questions? Contact us now and let’s start working together!

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