Betting on Football: A Few Tips to Fatten The wallet

Betting on football is no longer just a hobby, it’s a way of life to untold thousands of fans. The NFL and college football annually receive betting revenues upwards of $50 billion. With such a staggering number, the question must be asked; Where is the $50 billion going? It’s certainly going in the pockets of someone. Is it the gambler or the bookies? Folks, the bookies make a lot of money, no secret here. They are raking it in by the boatload.

10 Star Pick Recommend Read: Picking the Right Sportsbook for Football Betting

How can they be beat?

Sharp players beat them often. The bad news is this; most players are not sharp, or “wise guys”.

How can you become a sharp player?

There are definitely a few tricks to the betting trade that everyone must know. First things first; take inventory. Ask yourself a few questions.

  • Did I win last year, after it was all said and done and I counted what I had, did I come out ahead?
  • Have I been a winner for the last several years or at least averaged winning for the last 3-5 years?
  • If not, what do I need to do to become a winner?

Let’s face the facts; it’s no fun losing. It sure is fun to bet on football; but who wants to lose? Absolutely nobody wants to lose. You play to win, you play to break the bank and you play to beat the bookie, they are the bank!

There are a few rules to live by when betting on football and every gambler must know them and must follow them to be successful. If you are tired of hitting the wall every single year and struggling to get past that 45-50% mark; then take some good advice. Its time you get in the winner’s circle. Betting on football is supposed to be fun. It sucks, if you are losing.

Check out a few friendly tips on how to become a sharp player.

  • Spend only what you can legitimately afford to lose. If its $30 a week, its $30 a week, if its $3,000 a week then its $3,000 a week. You know what you can afford and you know your limits. You must set a budget and you must be a great money manager. Never break this rule, never go over your budget.
  • Never play scared money (refer to rule # 1!) and never chase bad bets. If you are chasing, then you are most likely going over budget, simply to try and regain budget. “Robbing Peter to pay Paul” never works. It doesn’t work in real life, and it certainly doesn’t work betting on football.
  • Get your bets in early, as in-early in the week. Lines move before game time and they usually do not move in your favor. Never be a last minute better. Rushing up to the window 30 seconds before the game goes off the board; is a death sentence.
  • Never bet on emotion or a gut feeling, never bet your favorite teams.
  • Bet games that have value, do your research, know the difference between a bad line and a good line.
  • Never lay the half point, such as Patriots -3 ½, always buy the half point. There is nothing worse in sports gambling than getting hooked. If you have the Patriots by 3 ½, you would rather be losing the game 37-3 at the end of the first quarter than for the Patriots to win the game on a last second play by a score of 23-20. They won, didn’t cover, you got hooked and it hurts!
  • Be extremely careful with parlays, teasers, or prop bets. EXTREMELY


Open your wallet and spend a little on sports picks. Every sharp player knows someone or pays someone that knows more about football then they do. It just a fact. Have fun this year and win big money.