Are Your PPH Prices fair?

The price per head company sets what you pay them. The question is, are you getting what you pay for – are you paying a fair price? There are more than a few ways to look at this overall picture. You must first examine what is important to you as a bookie, what are the benefits of a price per head in the first place? Is having a PPH worth it to you at all? We will not sell you some bill of goods that you don’t need, however, we will tell you what every successful bookie must have in their arsenal.

· No matter what your goals as a bookie are, we feel that you must be online if you care about any kind of profit. You can play the “local game” to the bone and at the end of the day, come up empty. This gets old. Look, life as a bookie is not always easy and there is hard work involved. Many folks have the wrong idea about the life of a bookie. They think wads of hundreds in your pocket hooked to a money clip, they think rolling a Benz, they think nightlife and party time, all of the time. This is so far from reality!

What is a bookie’s job?

· As a sports bookie, your job is to provide your clients with sporting events that are being played in the USA, and around the world daily. You must know the proper lines and odds for these events, and you must know exactly how much you can afford to lose should your client beat you. You must set competitive lines and odds but at the same time, do not give away bets. You also need to know prop odds, first halves, second halves, quarter bets, parlay odds, teasers, super teasers, round robins, future bets, and much more.

· You must be all things to all people, all of the time. You must have your phone on at all hours of the night and you must have up to the minute lines and odds ready on any game that a client would call and ask for. At the end of the day, you must also grade all bet slips and know exactly where you stand for that day when it comes to wins, losses, and balancing your daily books and budget.

· You must keep up with who is beating you, how big their bets are, and who is losing to you. There is a balance that must be walked between winning and losing clients. You don’t want clients kicking your teeth in, but at the same time you can’t have clients losing all of the time or they will go away, you must give them some incentive to stay.

How to solve all of the above…

· Find a fantastic price per head that’s willing to give you a free, state-of-the-art gaming website. One that comes with a fantastic sportsbook, a world-class racebook, and a Las Vegas-style casino.

· The PPH does all of the work for you. They set the daily sporting event along with the updated lines and odds. You are always in control and can change any odds at any time.

· You and your clients will have 24/7 access to a toll-free hotline with English speaking agents. Your clients can either bet on the phone or the website, of course, they can call you and bet the old fashioned way, you are still the bookie!

· The PPH is the bookie and they have thought of everything. They give you on-demand accounting reports, now you can manage your money, your budget, and your players.

When considering a PPH, there are a couple of musts…. If they do not have a toll-free number that you and your clients can call, ditch them. If they do not give you a free gaming website with all three gaming genera’s, ditch them. You can expect to pay in the $7-$13 per head, per week range (depending on services requested). If you want to earn a fantastic income as a bookmaker, then you must find the right PPH sportsbook. Call them today. 

A1PPH Highlights Your Strengths and Transforms Your Weakness in Bookmaking

Buffer Zone Establishment for Your Clients

Enduring Qualities of Bookies and Pay Per Heads